Aila Johanna Sinisalo is a Finnish science fiction and fantasy writer. She studied comparative literature and drama, amongst other subjects, at the University of Tampere. Professionally she worked in the advertising business, rising to the level of marketing designer. An important figure in the Finnish science fiction scene in the late 1980s and early '90s (winning a rare back-to-back collection of Atorox Awards for short fiction in the genre), she was also the first Finnish science fiction writer to make a mainstream breakthrough by breaking genre barriers.
Johanna Sinisalo
저자 상세
- 별칭:
Johanna Sinisalová, JOHANNA SINISALO, ヨハンナ シニサロ, and 2 others
Johanna Sinisalo, AILA JOHANNA SINISALO - 출생:
- 1958년 6월 21일
외부 링크
Books by Johanna Sinisalo

J.S. Meresmaa, Magdalena Hai, Emmi Itäranta, Anni Nupponen, Anne Leinonen, Solina Riekkola, Johanna Sinisalo, Tiina Raevaara, Anu Holopainen, Jenny Kangasvuo, Katri Alatalo, Jenna Kostet: Tinarinnat (Hardcover, Finnish language, 2023, Hertta Kustannus)
기준 J.S. Meresmaa, Magdalena Hai, Emmi Itäranta, and 9 others